5 Habits of Strong Leaders

By Rob

April 26, 2023

achievement, goals, habits, success

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Do you want to be a better leader? If so, you need to develop the right habits. Strong leaders have certain habits in common that set them apart from the rest. In this blog post, we will discuss five habits that all strong leaders share.

Managers or Leaders?

I have worked under many different managers in my life but with very few leaders. And while most managers think they are leaders, most are not. Leaders are rare. 

Just because one has been placed in a position of power or achieved a title, doesn’t mean they are a leader. Research shows that a large percentage of people who are promoted at work would have been better off left at their prior position and just given a raise. 

Often the reason they were promoted was because they were very good at their last position. However, just because one is good at sales, doesn’t mean they will be good as a divisional sales leader.

While it can be a benefit that the sales leader was a good salesman, it isn’t a necessity. In fact, many leaders have little knowledge of how to perform the job of the people they are leading. A leader's job is to lead, not to make sales.  

5 Habits of Strong Leaders

I believe strong leaders possess 5 different habits which set them apart from managers. When I speak on this topic, I call these the 5 Habits of Strong Leaders.

1. Leaders Possess the Habit of Authenticity

Managers often attempt to lead by putting on a persona. They believe if they pretend to be interested in their employees, they will be able to influence them more. If truth be told, they are often more interested in their own personal gain and not those who they lead.

Leaders, on the other hand, are genuine with people. They possess strong character traits and act in accordance with them. Strong leaders know that relationships are built on solid principles like trust, fairness, integrity, and human dignity. In addition, they lead by the axiom, don’t show me what you know until you show me how much you care.   

2. Leaders Practice the Habit of Being Intentional

Managers are reactive. When things aren’t going the way they intend them to, they blame their employees, the market, and upper leadership. They rarely look at themselves and the role they may have played in the outcome. But when things are going well, they are the first to step up and take credit.

Leaders are intentional. They respond appropriately to the situation after looking at it from all angles. And when they don’t receive the outcome they were planning for, they analyze instead of blame. 

They look first at themselves and their role in the situation. They focus on learning from their results and making the appropriate adjustments.

When things turn out well, they are humble. They praise their crew for their insight and hard work.  

3. Leaders Have the Habit of Vision

Managers can’t see past the immediate moment. They are now centered. This is great when working on the task at hand. The problem begins when they never look up to see where the task at hand is taking them. This type of leadership may keep them working diligently in the wrong direction.

Leaders take a larger perspective. Instead of focusing on the current problem, they step back and look at the big picture. They take time to decide what the greater purpose of their efforts is and then create a vision that encompasses it.

As Stephen Covey says, “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”   

4. Leaders Have the Habit of Looking for Multiple Perspectives

Managers suffer from a phenomenon in cognitive psychology known as a mental set. Basically, this means that the mindset you have when looking at a problem determines your options for how you will deal with it. This limited point of view often leads to limited solutions. 

Leaders realize that their knowledge of any given subject is limited. As a result, they turn to experts for multiple perspectives or points of view. This broader look gives them much-needed information for making decisions and seeking multiple alternatives.

5. Leaders Have the Habit of  Intrinsically Motivating Others

Managers believe their employees are motivated strictly by money. They offer incentives and bonuses in an attempt to up productivity. When they don’t receive the outcomes they were seeking, they often conclude that their workers are lazy or incompetent.

Leaders understand that money and recognition are important, but also understand that it is not the only way to get the most out of their crew. 

Leaders take the time to get to know those whom they lead. They find out what matters most to them and then help them make the connection between their personal motives and the job they are expected to perform. 

6. Leaders Have the Habit of Thinking Intentionally

Managers are reactive. They quickly replace their current system with the latest fad that is supposed to increase productivity and the bottom line. 

Leaders hear of new ways of doing things and carefully research their effectiveness. They don’t jump ship with their old ways of doing things until they have proof that the new way will work within their organization. 

Once they do decide to make changes, they do so with a solid plan of action. If it is a large change, they introduce it in intervals, allowing everyone to make the adjustments properly. This methodical approach leads to a smooth transaction, limiting confusion and downtown time.

While this list in no way encompasses every habit of a strong leader, I do believe it is a great place to begin.

Leadership is an art as well as a science. It is about self-awareness and requires constant self-improvement. To be a great leader, work on yourself and let these 6 Habits of Strong Leaders be a guide for your development. 

Do these traits reflect your leadership style? Which traits do you need to work on?

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About the author

Hi, I’m Robert Louis Sims …A.K.A. Rob
I’ve been studying the psychology of achievement since 1989, when I picked up a copy of How to Sell Anything to Anybody by Joe Girard. Since then, I’ve been obsessed with learning the difference between people I have now come to call Intentional Achievers and everyone else.
If you’re looking to take your career, relationships, health, energy, productivity, influence, and life to the next level, then I invite you to join me on Achievement Made Simple.
My mission is to find the principles of achievement and share them with you in a simple way that makes them easy to understand and use in our everyday lives.

Robert Louis Sims