From Stuck to Success: The 3 Proven Steps to Living Your Best Life

By Rob

November 19, 2022

achievement, goals, living intentionally, Productivity, success

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minutes remaining


With so much going on in the world today, many people are feeling stuck, stressed, and overwhelmed. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. In this episode, you’ll learn 3 steps that can help you get unstuck so you can start achieving your goals and living your best life.

If you’d like to take control of your health, finances, relationships, emotions, career, and life, this episode is for you.

    • “Maximum Achievers are intentional about how they want to feel, they’re intentional about what outcome they want to create, they’re intentional about how they want to be remembered, they’re intentional about where their focus is going, and they’re real intentional about where it’s not going.”

    • In this episode, you will learn that there are basically 3 types of people in the world. Which one are you?

    • Are you tired of trying to transform your life but feeling stuck in a loop of not being able to make the change you desire? Watch this video to learn how you can “Finally” make the change you desire.,

    • Watch the video to get the full training.

    • Already have the Life by Intentions Planner and making every day count? Celebrate! Take a picture of you with your planner and use #LIFEBYINTENTIONS so I can find you on social media!

Ready to Start Living Intentionally?


3 Steps to Getting Unstuck and Start Living Intentionally

In today’s episode, I’m gonna share with you three steps anyone can use to get unstuck and start creating the life of your dreams.

Specifically, I’m gonna share with you how you can take immediate control of your finances, your relationships, your health, your career, and your personal goals. Any area of your life where you feel like it needs to go the next level, it’s not working.

Any area of your life where you feel stuck and you need to take control. These three steps are gonna help you do it. And finally, I’m gonna share with you the one thing, the one thing that keeps people from making that change stick.

Because the last thing you wanna do is work hard to achieve a goal. And put in all that effort only to find that, you know, within three weeks, four weeks, even a couple of months, you start to backtrack, fall back into the old way of living, and kinda lose all the traction that you gained, that you worked so hard to achieve.

So if you’re excited to make a change in your life, if you’re ready to transform, take control. And start creating the life of your dreams, then you are in the right place because you are at Achievement made simple with me, Rob Sims.

Achievement Made Simple


All right. Hey, my friend. Welcome. I’m so excited that you’re joining me here today.

This is episode one, season one of Achievement Made Simple, and I want to start this, podcast, this video blog, however you’re watching it, right? You could be watching it on YouTube, you could be listening to it on some sort of a podcast type of, thing.

What do we call those things? Podcast stations or something? I don’t even know.

However, you are processing this and listening to me or watching me, I’m excited to have you here because we’re gonna talk about things that are super, super critical to creating a positive life, to achieving our goals.

So this is Achievement Made Simple. And the goal here is to take the mystery out of achieving your goals. Becoming your best self and living your best life. And I wanna bring to you the best that neuroscience has to offer in these areas, the best that positive psychology has to offer in these areas.

I also wanna bring to you the best that ancient wisdom has to offer you because I, I don’t believe anyone, anywhere, any particular source has all the answers. Life is complex and the more that you learn about why people do what they do, the more you learn about how to create or manifest what you want in your life, the more you start to realize that it’s not, you know, it’s, it’s not just one thing. It’s a very complex thing, but I have been doing this for about 30 years now, studying it, teaching it in, in some form.

And you know what? After 30 years, you start to pick up on some of the things that matter most. And so that’s what I bring to you. That’s why I’m calling it Achievement Made Simple.

Change is Possible

And please note, it’s not achievement made easy. It’s Achievement Made Simple, right? So I’m gonna take the concepts and bring them to you in a way that’s simple so you can understand them.

Give you some action steps so you can actually apply them, put them into play and start seeing results in your life. But I need you to understand it’s not easy. Change isn’t easy because we have a system and you know, a biological system that gets hardwired through repetition.

“Change isn’t easy because we have a system and you know we have a biological system that gets hardwired through repetition.”

So whether it’s repetition of thought, or it’s repetition of behavior, the same result happens in our brain. We get neurons that get wired in a certain direction, and when they get wired that way and, and, and we do it year after year, it’s kind of hard to break that pattern.

But I need you to understand it is possible, but you got to expect that it’s gonna be a struggle sometimes. You know, I think too many people go into creating change in their life and they get super optimistic and that’s great. I think you should be optimistic, but at the same time, you should be realistic. And, and the difference for me is we need to dream big. We need to believe in things that don’t exist.

We need to get fired up, right about possibilities of creating new things in our life and making big changes in the. But at the same time, we need to be realistic on the timeline. We need to be realistic on the amount of effort and work it’s gonna take.

So if. You’re looking for a quick fix. I want you to know this is not the quick fix, but this is the place to learn how to make achievement as simple as possible so that anyone can take these strategies and start applying them and start seeing results.

How to Make a Change

All right, so let’s get into this, right? How many of you guys out there want to make a change? How many of you guys out there have goals that maybe you’ve been struggling with for a long time and you’re thinking, gosh, when am I ever gonna achieve this thing? Right? I’ve been thinking about it for so long.

I’ve been trying to make a change. I had been wanting to get some traction, but for some reason I just can’t seem to make it stick.

You know, when I first decided several years ago to write, um, my first book, Life by Intentions, which actually was published and finished second. I can tell you that story in another episode.

So the first book I wanted to write was Life by Intentions and I set the goal to write that thing, right? And I was like, okay, I’m going to start tomorrow. I teach high school and I was like, after I teach my classes, I’m gonna come home and I’m gonna dedicate, you know, 45 minutes to an hour every evening doing some writing. So I would get pumped up, tomorrow’s the day, get my desk ready, get my writing materials ready.

I was like, okay, I’m super excited. I can’t wait to get through the day and come home and do. and like some of you guys out there, right? So, I went to school and I did my job and I worked hard all day, and then I came home and that intention kinda lost its momentum, , because I just petered out.

The problem was that I had no energy at the end of the day and I kept fooling myself. I would be like, okay, well tomorrow then I’ll feel better. And if I did feel better tomorrow, then I also had family obligations and I didn’t wanna get out of balance with my family. I was thinking that’s kinda hypocritical cause I’m writing a book on how to live a life of purpose and passion and balance.

And I didn’t wanna write the book and be outta balance, so I, I did nothing. So every night I would tell myself, tomorrow’s gonna be different, and wasn’t happening. Right. So I started researching. I was like, what do I need to do to change? And that’s the stuff I wanna share with you guys. Like how do we create that momentum?

How do we move forward? So if you’re stuck, struggling, you know, I wanna share with you some of the basic steps. And then as this podcast video blog kind of progresses, I’m gonna show, share with you more detailed things.

I’m gonna share with you what I’m calling the Principles of Achievement. So every episode is going to basically break down different principles, but today I wanna share with you the big three steps to creating what I call an intentional life.

3 Types of People

In other words, a life of purpose and passion, and most importantly, a life of purpose that relates to you? I think too many people are drifting there. There’s one of three things here. They’re drifting through life unintentionally, like they spend no time thinking about what they really want their life to look like.

1. Unintentional

And those people are just kinda like a log in the river. They’re just drifting and they’re going with the current, and life is basically saying, you’re gonna get what I give you because you’re not grabbing for an ore . You’re not trying to take control. So if you’re not gonna take control, you’re just gonna go down the river.

2. Comfortable

Well, the second type of people, I think they, they, they have some plans, they have some goals, but the difference with them and intentional people is I call these people comfortable. They’ve reached a level of success that’s comfortable, and they want more, but they’re afraid to give up their comfort. And that’s pretty much where I was when I decided to write.

Now, when I first started learning about this stuff, I was in the drifting area. I was really drifting, I was bad, and I had to take control of that. But once you take control of that and you say, “Okay, I’m in control.” Then you once you start getting some momentum, you start to get comfortable.

3. Maximum Achievers

And if we get comfortable, you know, life does not sit still. So if you are comfortable and you’re not moving forward, basically, right? You know this, you’re moving backwards. So the third type of person, the person I want to teach you to become the, the person that achievement made simple. Centered around people I call Maximum Achievers.

These people are intentional, right? They’re intentional with how they want to feel. They’re intentional with what outcome they want to create. They’re intentional about how they want people to remember them and how they want to interact with other people. They’re intentional about where their focus is going.

“Maximum Achievers are intentional with how they want to feel. They’re intentional with what outcome they want to create. They’re intentional about how they want people to remember them and how they want to interact with other people. They’re intentional about where their focus is going.”

They’re real intentional about where they’re not going.

So people are drifting. Their attention is being pulled, right? And it’s being split. Because right now, if you don’t take control of your attention, your focus, the media will, right? I mean, you’re watching this on video right now. So hopefully you made that intentional choice, or you’re listening into it on a media podcast.

But nonetheless, it’s media of some sort. So hopefully you’re here intentionally. Because you want to change your life. You want to grow, you wanna better yourself. And in that simple decision, even if the rest of your life is out of control right now, and you’re not feeling like you’re making that progress, I want you to understand that the fact that you are listening to a podcast like this, right, and you are trying to improve yourself.

That right there speaks mountains that you’re, you’re, you’re not going to just let life happen to you anymore. You are gonna take control.

So give yourself props just for listening to this sort of thing.

And I would like to warn you, I know I fell into this trap for a long time. I think it’s part of the process, but at some point we have to decide, am I going to be just an addict, a groupie to personal growth, or am I going to be someone who listens to the message, takes notes on the message, analyzes myself through the message, and then thinks about it throughout the day.

Ask yourself, “Am I going to be just an addict, a groupie to personal growth, or am I going to be someone who listens to the message, takes notes on the message, analyzes myself through the message, and then thinks about it throughout the day.”

Like, okay, am I doing this thing?

Is, this what Rob talked about?

Does that make sense to me?

And if it does, you know, how can I make sure that I’m applying this to my life and not just listening to it like I would a song or a record, right?

I’m just, if I’m listening to music, It’s probably not really changing my life, it’s just giving me a brief escape from the moment, giving me a relief, giving me a little stress relief or whatever. And that’s good. But if we listen to music all day and then, but we wanna be a musician and we never do anything with it.

Right? If we don’t really practice music, we don’t apply it to anything then we are just kind of addicted to the music, and it’s like a drug.

So don’t let personal growth become your drug.

Let personal growth become a supplement to a life of purpose, a life where you’re growing and you’re giving yourself a break when things don’t go well and you’re, you’re looking at the results you’re getting and the efforts you’re putting in, and you’re trying to figure it out and you’re making progress.

But you’re not just listening to it. Wow, that was entertaining. Okay, click, I’m gonna go about my day and not think about it anymore. That’s not progressive, and that’s not going to help you create the life you want.

All right, so with that said, let’s talk about the three steps.

What are the three steps, Rob?

The 3 Steps to Creating the Living Intentionally

What are the three steps to creating the life of my dreams? So I’ve got the cards upside down.

Step 1: Become Intentional

Here we go. The first step right there, I want you to learn how to Become Intentional.

See, the first step to taking control of your life is to decide that I’m going to Become Intentional. Because if you’re not in control of your life, you’re not intentional.

Now, you might be intentional in a couple of areas, but overall, if you really wanna make that change, you’ve got to decide I’m gonna become intentional. And there’s a few steps to becoming intentional. First of all, you need to let go of your excuses. You gotta decide, is it my excuse for not doing what I want, not getting what I want?

Am I gonna make that more important than my goal? And sometimes that’s a good question, right? And, and if you intentionally decide that, okay, yeah, my excuse is more important than my goal, then maybe we got the wrong goal. You know, when I was trying to write, originally I was trying to do it after school, and I kept using the excuse that I’m too.

I kept using the excuse that, you know, my family needs me. I kept making the excuse that, you know, I’ll do it tomorrow. And I had to decide, “Hey man, are those just excuses? Are those real?” In a way they were real because I was making them real, but in a way, they were excuses as well. So I said, “Okay, what’s more important?”

I was like, well, I don’t know how to balance that, but I really wanna write my book. So I set the intention that I’m gonna write the book, right? But the way I was doing it after school wasn’t working. So I decided I’m gonna do it in the mornings. So I’d set a clear intention to get up in the mornings, and that’s how my second book come about.

Intentional mornings. Intentional mornings is all about how do you get a, a great night’s sleep, so you wake up refreshed and you then have an intentional morning routine that helps you make progress towards your goals.

See my routine at that point wasn’t to get up and exercise. It wasn’t to get up and do meditation or yoga or anything else like that.

My intentional morning was simply to get up and write.

My excuses in the afternoon seemed pretty legit to me. I was struggling to overcome them, but I didn’t want to give up my goal of writing my book, so I’m gonna do this thing in the morning.

So I got determined.

No excuses in the morning. There’s nothing that can distract me in the morning.

Now there is plenty, right? Even though everybody’s asleep, you can still get distracted, right? You get up at five and everybody else gets up at seven or whatever. You got two hours to to, to rock it without interruption, but you gotta go back now instead, intentions, I’m going to turn off. Social media. I’m not gonna get on my computer to do anything except write all these little things.

So you had to make that a clearer intention and what I did, all of a sudden, man, I was, I was on fire, right? Cause I let go of my excuses. I found a way around my excuses really is what I did right? I was like, okay, which is more important writing the book. I knew I wanted to do it.

So first step in Becoming Intentional is you just gotta decide.

No more excuses. Or if the excuse is real, then find a way around it If there’s a wall in front of you. Successful people figure out, do I go through the wall? Do I go around the wall? Do I go over the wall? Or do I look, maybe there’s even a door. Maybe there’s a way to go through the world. I’m not even seeing here.

Step 2: Develop Intentional Vision

But that wall most important part, right? The wall isn’t gonna stop. From getting to the other side. All right, so step one, you gotta become intentional.

So let’s go on to step two then, if you’re ready for this one. All right, you’ve gotta have what I call Intentional Vision, or you’ve got to Be Intentional, right?

Intentional vision is all about deciding, okay, I’m gonna Become Intentional. I’m gonna let go of my excuses, and then I’m going to have a clear vision of what my life is about. So when you have Intentional vision, you know your purpose, and it doesn’t have to be a monumental like a huge life purpose thing.

“When you have Intentional vision, you know your purpose.”

Like, oh my gosh, you know, I’m some spiritual guide that came to down to Earth to save everybody, maybe, but it doesn’t have to be that big. You don’t have to cure cancer, right? You don’t have to cure polio. They already did that, by the way, and cure it, but they, you know, they got a vaccine for it. You don’t have to do that.

But if that’s what you wanna do, the, um, by all means, if that’s what you wanna do and it’s something that fits you, then you know, pursue it. But having purpose simply means that you know who you are and you know what matters in your life, right?

So, Intentional vision starts with purpose: “What’s my life all about?”

And easy way, easiest way, I’m think if it’s easy or not if you’ve never done this before, but an easy way to do this. Um, I got this from Tony Robbins. Who knows if he created it or got it from someone else, but I heard Tony talking about it is called the rocking chair. Called the rocking chair. So you imagine that you are old, whatever age is old for you.

And by the way, that’s part of intentional vision is like, how old do you wanna live? I have set my goal for a minimum , minimum God willing, right of 114, I wanna live to be 114. That’s my goal. And I’m going to, if I die at 114, it’s gonna be like someone hit me while I was riding a bicycle. Right. I’m not gonna be laid up in some bed for years.

I’m gonna be out there active and I don’t even ride a bike right now. See, I’m waiting until I’m a hundred. Then I’m gonna take a bike riding. Okay? You see how this works? You gotta have goals.

George Burns. Okay, who the heck is George Burns? A lot of you guys are listening to this going George Burns, I remember that guy. He was God in that movie, right? And he was a great comedian. And, and yeah, some of you guys, a lot of you guys listen, who the heck is George Burns? George Burns was one of the greatest comedians in the history of American television, and uh, he made some phenomenal movies and he did some phenomenal things.

He lived to be, I think, a hundred or 99 point something. He set, he always had like a goal and one of the goals I remembered was he had already booked like the, some big, I don’t know where it was, Carnegie Hall or something like that. But he had already booked this big auditorium to do a live show and he was already selling tickets.

And that’s how you keep going because you have something to look forward to. And it’s aligning with your purpose.

So what is your purpose? And if you don’t know your purpose, I’m gonna do a purpose thing with you guys in a future episode. I also have a free PDF that you can download. It should be in the bottom down here. If not, you can.DM me or something like that, you know, let me know, Hey, I want the copy of that PDF and that training.

I’d be glad to give that to you, but I’m gonna do it on a show, coming up pretty soon. And it’s simply like, I’ve got 14 questions you go through. And at the end of it, most people are like, okay, I got a pretty good idea of what my purpose is and what my passion is. And at the end of it, you also take all that and you create a purpose statement that way.

Every day you wake up, you’re like, okay, here’s my purpose. So once I know my purpose, now I can make decisions right in alignment with that purpose. So what am I gonna do today? And it’s easy to say no to things when you recognize they don’t align with your vision, but with no vision, right? Then we get lost.

“It’s easy to say no to things when you recognize they don’t align with your vision, but when we have no vision then it’s easy to get lost.”

And you know, one of the most popular quotes from the Bible, it’s one of my favorite quotes is from Hebrews “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.”

When we don’t have vision, we go in circles. When we don’t have vision, we make choices that disappoint, to say the least. But when we have vision, when we have purpose and something comes up and we have option A and we have option.

The choice becomes pretty clear. If this one doesn’t align with who I am and what I’m about, then I throw it away. I’m gonna go with the one that matters.

All right, so we need Intentional Vision, and in that, I also want you to think about how do you want to experience life. You know your emotions. This is a big area.

Most people don’t think about their emotions. They think their emotions happen to them, but you create your emotions and intentional people decide ahead of time, “Hey, this is how I want to experience life.” And I’ll tell you, we’re gonna do an episode pretty soon on this one. But one of the achievement principles is simply this bring the love and joy to everything you do. Bring the love and joy to everything you do, right?

You gotta find a way to just love life. You gotta find a way to be joyful and, and happy, and, and to be a light for other people. Because I believe that when we look at the idea of purpose, it could be as simple as that.

“You gotta find a way to just love life. You gotta find a way to be joyful and, and happy, and, and to be a light for other people.”

My purpose is to be a light for other people, a light that’s filled with joy, a light that’s filled with love and, and excitement so that every time I leave, people feel better. Not because I left, right, but they feel better because I was there.

How do you want people to remember you? That’s a big part of Intentional Vision.

How do you want them to remember you? And by the way, people will remember a little bit about what you did, but the main thing people remember is how you made them feel. Let me say that again. The main thing that people remember is how you made them feel. And for me, that is the. Get that to focus there.

There we go. That is the key to Intentional Vision. How do you want to be remembered?

“The key to Intentional Vision is: How do you want to be remembered?”

Other things under Intentional Vision is how do you want to contribute to the world? What do you want to produce?

So often we do this in our careers, but not always, right? It doesn’t have to be just our career.

Some people have a job and it’s just a job because it pays the bills. But then they go and contribute by volunteering, they contribute by, coaching a little league team, or they contribute by teaching a Sunday school class, or they contribute by doing podcasts and videos like this right here, right?

It’s like this podcast, it aligns with my purpose because my purpose is to help you stop drifting through life unintentionally, to help you start creating a life of purpose and passion.

And so I was like, okay, how can I reach more people? Let’s do videos, let’s do podcasts. So you figure it out, but it needs to be part of your Intentional Vision. Its how you’re gonna contribute.

“How are you going to contribute to the world?”

Then you also want to know how we’re gonna live life. So unless you’re gonna live like a monk, How do you wanna experience life, right?

What do you wanna buy? Are there toys in life you want? Are there accomplishments or achievements there? What are the things you want to do, the skills you want to develop?

The 4 Parts of Intentional Vision

All that stuff is important. So vision, really for me is a combination of four things.

1. It’s going to be your purpose.

2. Your passion, and those two kind of combine, but still they are two different things, right?

Here’s what I do and here’s how I do it. This is the passion. I’m excited. I love this process. I love doing these things.

“Passion is a combination of your purpose and what you love to do.”

3. Contribution. And that is your contribution to the world, your contribution to other people.

How do you want people to feel in your presence? How do you want them to remember you?

“How do you want people to feel in your presence?”

4.  You experiences in life.

Like where do you wanna live? How do you wanna live? How do you wanna spend your time? What type of people do you wanna be surrounded with? All this stuff is critical because we could have three of these things and still be miserable. Does that make sense?

“How do you want live your life?

What experiences do you want to have?”

I mean, you might be living in your dream house, you might be, you know, making a difference to people. But if that difference isn’t your passion, that difference doesn’t align with your purpose, then you probably are sitting in a big pretty house kind of unfulfilled.

So if you wanna be fulfilled contribute your purpose.

Contribute our passion.

Let’s show up as our best self .

And let’s achieve goals that we want. There’s nothing wrong with that. Desire is part of life. And even if that desire is simple, desire is desire, right? Brendan Burchard said this, I thought it was pretty good. He said, even a monk who’s meditating desires to get in touch with God at a deeper level. To become better at what they do.

So don’t, don’t be afraid of desire. That’s really the big first step, right?

Become intentional, get rid of the excuses, and then set those intentions.

Step 3: Live Intentionally

And finally, number three, and this is my motto, is Live Intentionally. Which means that once you know what you want, once you get rid of the the excuses, now it’s time to set goals.

It’s time to make a plan of action, what I call your M.A.P., which is an acronym for motivational action plan. See, too many people, they set a goal, and one of the reasons they don’t achieve it is they have demotivational action plans. So to live intentionally, we’ve gotta make sure that our action plan aligns with who we are, and it excites us.

That is critical. If, if the action plan bores us, if the action plan, you know, if it scares you a little bit, that’s okay, but if it scares you so much you won’t take action, then that’s demotivating. So you have to look at and be able to say, “Okay, I wanna do this.”

“Do you have a M.A.P.?”

So go back to like me wanting to write originally.

My action plan was to do it in the evenings for an hour that they motivated me because I was tired. Because I felt like I was missing out on my family cuz I felt like I wasn’t being balanced by doing that. So it demotivated me. But when I said, okay, I can do it in the mornings, and you know, I, I knew it wasn’t gonna be easy to transition to getting up a little bit earlier, but I was like, I can get up a little bit earlier and if I get up a little bit earlier and really.

Maybe something will happen. So I actually got motivated there because I, I was up and it was quiet. And now, by the way, I can’t wait to get up . I just go to bed thinking I can’t wait to get up, right? I gotta get this sleep so I can refresh and I can feel good. By the way, sleep is a secret weapon of productive people.

“Sleep is a secret weapon of productive people.”

If you don’t know that, because your mind and you, everyone knows this, but then they don’t follow through your mind is so much. When you get the right amount of sleep. I mean, if I’m gonna, if people are like, Hey, help me with my productivity, first step is I’m gonna be like, okay, clarity. You need to know what you’re doing.

Because a lot of people are just going in circles. But second of all, I’ll be like, how much sleep did you get last night? Oh, I got five hours of sleep, or I got six hours sleep and I woke up for 30 minutes here and 30 minutes there. Whatever. You didn’t get good sleep. Productivity’s gonna suck, it’s not gonna be good because your brain is the thing that creates the output. And if it’s not working well, it’s like trying to drive a car and every time you give it gas, it backfires and dies because the engine’s worn out. Well, you don’t have to throw the engine out, right. But you do need to maybe work on it, get it healthy again, and, and sleep is one of the best ways.

There’s other ways, and we’re actually gonna talk about an Achievement Made simple. But just know sleep is one of the best ways because what’s happening is when you’re sleeping is there’s repairs going on in your noggin. There’s a lot of repairs going on in your noggin and it’s doing some amazing stuff.

Your brain is super active while you’re sleeping, but the activity is, is maintenance. And when you get a great night’s sleep, you wake up the next day. Nothing can stop you.

So you’re living intentionally, right?

Meaning you need a motivational action plan.

So you’re setting goals.

You have an action plan, and the next thing you gotta do is develop the habits to support that action plan.


So what living intentionally basically means becoming your best self, working on yourself, learning and developing the skills that separates successful people from everybody else.

That’s what living intentionally is about. No more excuses.

Believing, if it is to be, it’s up to me, that’s becoming Intentional. Having Intentional Vision. Knowing your purpose. Knowing your passion, knowing how you want people to feel because you were there. Knowing how you want to contribute and knowing what you are seeking to achieve, and then finally Living Intentionally, which means developing yourself, creating the habits, and making progress every single day.

“Living Intentionally means developing yourself, creating the habits for success, and making progress towards your goals and intentions every single day.”

See, this takes us back to the beginning when I said, Taking those small steps are important. That’s Living Intentionally. But if you didn’t do the work before, if you didn’t get the clarity, if you didn’t let go of the excuses, if you didn’t start really becoming intentional, then you’re just taking steps.

But when those steps have purpose and we keep that purpose in front of us, there’s gonna be times where it looks like we’re spinning our wheels, but we’re not. When I decided to do this podcast, it looked like I spun my wheels for a long time, and I probably could have done it a little bit faster, but I knew I needed to learn some basics.

“When we’re Living Intentionally sometimes it looks like we’re spinning our wheels, but we’re not. We’re creating a foundation for long-term success.”

I needed to get the skills. I needed to have a motivational action plan. I needed to know how I was gonna carry through. I didn’t wanna just start a podcast and record an episode and then be done for, you know, three weeks and then maybe get another one up. No, I wanted to do this on a regular basis. I want consistency and I wanted to last, and I want it to be effective.

So sometimes the work we’re doing doesn’t look like work. It’s like when you plant. Literally plant a seed, right? And the seed starts to root sprouts and we see some action at first, but then it’s kind of slow because the roots have to take place, right? And as those roots grow under the ground, we don’t see that we get a little bit of growth on the top, but we get that root growth on the under the ground.

And once it reaches a certain point, all of a sudden we got a mighty oak. And that thing, it’s hard to take down. That’s because it did the work that no one saw. It did the work underground. So don’t push away your progress just because it’s not always seen. Sometimes we need to do the work on the inside before we can see the progress on the outside.

All right, guys, I thank you so much for joining me here today. I hope this is helpful for you. I hope this was something you can use. And I would like to let you know that if you want to go deeper in all of this, if you want to really accelerate your growth. If you wanna just jump into this deeper, then I encourage you to get my book called Life by Intentions. You can also get my book Intentional Mornings. I also have a planner that goes with those.

Get those, read the books, they’re really more of a workshop than a normal book. I consider them get em’ done books.

Each chapter progresses you, moves you forward, helps you start developing on the inside. And towards the end of the book, people are gonna be, you know, if you do the work. People are gonna be like, what happened? You are, man, you’re rocking it. You were changing, you were growing, and it seems like overnight, but you know, it wasn’t because you were taking time to go through the book, read the chapters, and do the exercises.

I’m pushing the book a little bit, I’m not trying to sell you on it, but I’m trying to sell you on the idea that I’m passionate about it.

I put a ton of work into it and I really tried to make a step by step plan for. Who wants to create a life of purpose and passion while achieving their goals and becoming their best self. So check that out if it sounds like something you might like. And keep listening to the podcast because in the next episode I’m gonna talk about how to Become Intentional.

I’m gonna share with you what I call The Four Paths to Intention. So that’ll be episode two. All right guys. Thank you for joining me. Have a great day. Go out there and crush. And as always, live intentionally.

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About the author

Hi, I’m Robert Louis Sims …A.K.A. Rob
I’ve been studying the psychology of achievement since 1989, when I picked up a copy of How to Sell Anything to Anybody by Joe Girard. Since then, I’ve been obsessed with learning the difference between people I have now come to call Intentional Achievers and everyone else.
If you’re looking to take your career, relationships, health, energy, productivity, influence, and life to the next level, then I invite you to join me on Achievement Made Simple.
My mission is to find the principles of achievement and share them with you in a simple way that makes them easy to understand and use in our everyday lives.

Robert Louis Sims